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Epson Stylus SX515W Printer Driver Windows, Mac, Linux

Description : Epson Stylus SX510W
These are spectacular speeds, when compared with rival all-in-ones from companies like Canon, HP and Lexmark, which typically manage around half of what the Stylus SX515W produced. There is a downside to this unexpected speed, though, in the amount of noise produced. We measured peaks of 66dBA, which is pretty loud, though most of this comes from the paper feed mechanism, as usual source : support epson  

Epson Stylus SX510W Driver Windows 32bit
Windows 10
Windows 8.1, Windows 8
Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista

Epson Stylus SX510W Driver Windows 64bit
Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista

Epson Stylus SX510W Driver Mac & Linux
Mac OS X (v10.10-10.9-10.8-10.7-10.6)
Linux (debian)
Linux rpm

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